Research work Published/ Accepted in SCOPUS Indexed Journals - 101* So Far
Research work Published/ Accepted in SCOPUS Indexed Journals - 101* So Far 1. A.Damodar Reddy, P.N.Karthikeyan, S.Krishnaraj, Adarsh Ajayan, K. Sunil Kumar Reddy, Dr.Ram Subbiah (2021), Analysis and Optimization of Hot Extrusion Process on Strenx Steel 900 , Materials Today: Proceedings. Paper Accepted. (Scopus Indexed) 2. S.Sathish, Mubeen Shaikh, Girisha L, R.Senthil Kumar, M.Ramesh Kumar, Dr.Ram Subbiah (2021), Evaluation of Hardness and analysis of Parameters on Reinforced Al-MMC , Materials Today: Proceedings. Paper Accepted (Scopus Indexed) 3. D.Prathusha , J.Venkatesh, K.K Arun, Kulkarni Sanjay Kumar, S.Prabhu, Dr.Ram Subbiah (2021), Machining Behaviors of Nickel Titanium Composite usin...